分享 最给力的包装设计的实用知识
郁闷的小鱼 2012-2-22 09:52
最给力的包装设计的实用知识  1、包装的色彩:   80%以上的信息来自视觉,如果设计人员对包装色彩的把握与运用能够直接反映内在物品的某种特性,这种商品就很可能成为购买者的首选商品。   根据商品固有的色彩或商品的属性,采用形象化的色彩是设计用色的一种重要手段。如蛋糕点心等食品包装多用黄色,茶、咖啡 ...
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分享 气动阀门销售供应信息
郁闷的小鱼 2012-2-22 09:51
山野SUN YEH自动阀门工厂于1986年投产,专事生产四分之一转(回转型电动执行器),弹簧复归(单作用电动执行器)及直线型电动驱动器,山野电动执行器主要特色之一是无离合器,既无须停电即可手动操作,已获多国专利。山野电动驱动器是建立于高品质的水准上,且获得ISO9001、CE、CSA(符合屋外使用标准)、RoHS认证,『完 ...
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分享 B2C电子商务网站推广初体验
郁闷的小鱼 2012-2-21 10:51
在当今专业化细分的大环境下, b2c优化 对我们广大站长来说是一个很诱惑领域,如期做广告给别人赚钱,还不如自己直接转网民的钱。下边跟广大站长分享我的推广经验:   一.搜索引擎,所谓的SEO,大家都比较熟悉.但 seo优化 要把握好方向。   1.多考虑蓝海,竞争少的是成本最低的,利润也是最持续的   2.细分关键词,利用长 ...
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分享 网站优化与竞价其实是鱼和熊掌可得兼
郁闷的小鱼 2012-2-21 10:50
对于大部分企业网站来说,已经意识到网络营销的重要作用,可是意识有了,但是往往网络营销的方法往往不能够达到预期的目的,有时候花了不少钱,但是却没有给网站带来任何的订单,甚至出现了百度竞价,谷歌竞价没有效果的言论,可实际上,任何的网络营销方法,只要使用得当,都能够给网站带来意想不到的好处!现在企业网站的 ...
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分享 2011铝加工在世界经济严寒中继续挺进
郁闷的小鱼 2012-2-21 10:49
2011年对中国 铝加工 业来说是不平凡的一年,是一个成就巨大之年,是一个值得骄傲之年,是“十二五”规划的一个良好开局。这一年全国的铝材产量有可能超过23000kt,同比上升24%余;铝材进口量(含铝制件但不含铝合金汽车与摩托车车轮)可能超过630kt,出口量可能超过5000kt,中国已成为世界最大的铝材出口国,哪里需要铝 ...
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分享 Cheap Canada Goose Coats Canada
Ranan 2012-1-13 14:11
Zhang tao with said. Order exhibition display performance optimistic forecasts of year equipment quarter anta sports is regarded as the future sales performance of barometer. Anta vice President, says the company Canada Goose Coats zhang tao with just the end of the 2010 quarter orde ...
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Ranan 2012-1-13 14:10
Obviously, li ning brand has gradually become the representative China, with Oriental element of the international leading sports brand, to offer consumers more personalized choices, and both at home and abroad and the field in more and more powerful. Similarly, in the May 20, 2010 the open ...
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Ranan 2012-1-13 14:09
China started anti-dumping ink shoes for the third time in the sunset review ? Mexico on June 19, 2007 in the official daily published in the announcement, decided to imports from China of footwear (customs code: 6401 to 6405) began Canada Goose Online to sunset anti-dumping review surv ...
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Ranan 2012-1-13 14:08
The shoetree with clever type of type round as the main body, as in low heels with as the main body. XuanTou type another side of the traditional small pointed round head, but the length of the body mold short, because this XuanTou requirements can meet the demand of the traditional consume ...
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Ranan 2012-1-13 14:08
Since most practical problems difficult to get accurate solution, and the finite element calculation precision, but not only can adapt to all kinds of complex shapes, so it becomes effective engineering analysis method. (sources: jinjiang economic news) The international fashion brand shoe ...
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