

三趾々树獭 发表于 2006-11-23 22:50:38 | 只看该作者 [复制链接] 打印
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它的发挥,使得人潮跳下来脚从板凳球员跳、人在家中收看跳下床,一开口,\"罗马废话,你看到\"? It's the slam-dunk - the most electrifying and exciting play in basketball.它的满贯-Dunk编写-发挥最精彩的篮球、通电. Whether it's a power dunk that nearly breaks the backboard or an acrobatic aerial maneuver where the player twists and turns in the air, a slam dunk gets players and fans fired up and can change the momentum of the game.不管是权力Dunk编写或接近破篮板空中杂技动作的选手,在空中曲折、Dunk编写得到了满贯球员和球迷发射出来的势头可以改变游戏. The high point of a basketball match is a slam-dunk and the NBA basketball dunks are by far the most exciting shots hit on any basketball courts.篮球比赛的最高潮是满贯--Dunk和NBA的篮球dunks是迄今最精彩镜头击中任何篮球场. These dunks, executed by NBA stars, bring out the best from the crowds.这些dunks,处决的NBA明星、人尽其才的人群. They roar, they cheer, and they applaud every basketball dunk.它们轰鸣,他们欢呼,他们鼓掌每个篮球Dunk编写. The players too love the dunks, and have come up with different dunking styles.球员太爱dunks,也提出了不同风格浸. On of the most popular NBA dunks are skywalking.在最受欢迎的NBA总所skywalkingdunks. These NBA stars, also known as skywalkers or aerial artists, literally hang in the air before releasing the ball.这些NBA的明星,也称为空中skywalkers或艺术家,从字面上悬空球之前释放. Some of the well-known exponents of this form of dunking are Kobe Bryant of Los Angeles Lakers, rookie Jason Richardson of the Golden State Warriors and Steve Francis of the Houston Rockets.一些著名的代表人物,这是神户形式浸洛杉矶湖人科比、新手金州勇士的贾森理查森和史蒂夫弗朗西斯的休斯敦火箭. These dunk stars generally play as guard or small forward.Dunk编写这些恒星通常扮演看守大小迈进. They are NBA's showmen, and add greatly to the game's crowd appeal.他们的NBA的showmen,并大大提高了游戏的人群上诉. Two other Skywalkers whose name inspires awe are Clyde Drexler, nicknamed \"Clyde the Glide\" and Toronto Raptors star Vince Carter.其他两个skywalkers名字敬畏有启发对Clydedrexler、绰号\"滑翔对Clyde的\"明星Vince在卡特与多伦多暴龙. Then there are power dunkers.再就是dunkers权力. These players use their strength to dunk the ball with immense force.这些球员用自己的实力Dunk编写球以无比的力量. They are the team's \"big men\".他们队的\"大男人\". They dunk through and over their opponents.Dunk编写并通过他们对其对手. Some of the NBA's famous power dunkers include Antonio Davis of the Toronto Raptors, Chris Webber of the Sacramento Kings, Kevin Garnett of the Minnesota Timberwolves and Rasheed Wallace of the Portland Trail Blazers.NBA的一些著名电力dunkers包括安东尼戴维斯的多伦多暴龙,萨克拉门托国王队的克里斯・韦伯、timberwolves明尼苏达的凯文贾奈特和拉希德华莱士的Blazar天体兰古道. These dunkers mostly played as the power forward or center.这些大多dunkers发挥电力作为前进或中心. Their dunking feats are legendary.他们都浸传奇壮举. In fact, Los Angeles Lakers center Shaquille O'Neal.事实上,洛杉矶湖人鲨鱼奥尼尔中心. Shaq used to dunk so hard that he actually broke the basketball backboard at times.shaq用来Dunk编写这么辛苦,他实际上打破了篮球篮板时. Darryl Dawkins was another center that broke backboards with his monster hits.道金斯是另一个中心,往前打破挡板与其怪物命中. Jumping is another form associated with dunking, and the name most commonly referred with this form of dunking is that of the former NBA guard Spud Webb.跳跃是另一种形式与浸、最常被提及的名字和形式浸这就是NBA的卫队前开钻来做. In vertical dunking a player jumps vertically from a stationary position before making a dunk.垂直纵向跳动浸球员才从静止位置Dunk编写.
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发表于 2006-11-23 22:50:38 | 只看该作者
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